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I зимняя Спартакиада сильнейших спортсменовI зимняя Спартакиада сильнейших спортсменов
(8-18 февраля 2024 года, Златоуст, Красная поляна, Красноярск, Куса, Магнитогорск, Миасс, Нижний Тагил, Тюмень, Уралец и Челябинск)
XXII Олимпийские зимние игрыXXII Олимпийские зимние игры
(6-23 февраля 2014 года, Сочи, Россия)
Игры XXXI ОлимпиадыИгры XXXI Олимпиады
(5-21 августа 2016 года, Рио-де-Жанейро, Бразилия)
XXIII Олимпийские зимние игрыXXIII Олимпийские зимние игры
(9-25 февраля 2018 года, Пхенчхан, Южная Корея)
Игры XXXII ОлимпиадыИгры XXXII Олимпиады
(23 июля – 8 августа 2021 года, Токио, Япония)
XXIV Олимпийские зимние игрыXXIV Олимпийские зимние игры
(4-20 февраля 2022 года, Пекин, Китай)

    Март 2025



    Rambler's Top100

    Rambler's Top100 Рейтинг@Mail.ru
    09:43  16.06.2009

    Svetlana Ishmuratova: I agree with Yury Luzhkov: it is great that we have “The Russian Olympians Founndations”, but we need to issue legislatively the life-long pensions for the medalists of the Olympic Games

    On June, 11, The Major of Moscow Yury Luzhkov met with the members of the RF State Duma - the members of the committee of physical culture and sports, and also Olympic champions from other committees. The deputy of the RF State Duma,  two-times Olympic champion Svetlana Ishmuratova told about some details of the meeting and suggestions of Yury Luzhkov on further development of physical culture and sports in Russia to the Agency of sport information “All Sport”.

    “The meeting of the deputies with Yury Luzhkov was held in initiative of the Major, - Svetlana Ishmuratova detalised. - The managers of  Moscow sport also took part in the meeting - the head of the Moscomsport Michael Stepanyanz, his first assistant Yury Nagornykh and General director of “Luzhniki” Vladimir Aleshin. But, I would name the event not the meeting, but the conversation, and in some extent even brain storm. The conversation turned out to be informal, really detailed and very concrete and I don’t doubt that it was useful for everybody. With all the others, Yury Luzhkov raised the question of organizing of the sport activity and social protection of athletes on the state level, and he asked: “Who and what must do? Who and for what must be responsible?” And he expressed his opinion: the subjects of the RF must be responsible for propaganda of health style of life and physical culture, development of children and youth sports, and the federal center must be responsible for professional sports, preparation of national and Olympic teams. I think this question isn’t so unequivocal. Well, there are such regions as, for example, Moscow and Moscow region, where the leaders find it very important to build sport grounds in the yards, opening of children-youth schools, and so on. But some Governors don’t pay any attention to these problems. It means, that some control, direction from the center should exist. And then Yury Luzhkov addressed to us with another request: to issue legislatively the life-long pensions for all the medalists of the Olympic Games. Yes, the winners of the Games receive the grants of the RF President - 15 000 rubles, silver and bronze Olympic medalists, who reach the retirement age, for quite some time, have been the grants’ receipients of “The Russian Olympians Foundation”. But, certainly, we must solve the problem of social protection of veterans, who with success represented our country at the big official competitions, on a substantial scale. For the moment I work at the project of law “About the professional sports”, meet with active and former athletes, coaches, and I know how important it is, even necessary for life. It is shame to admit, but the medalists of the Olympic Games, champions and World record holders hardly make ends meet, some of them died in poverty. The separate chapter will, probably, be made in the law project of maintenance of social guaranties, and I will for sure use there the initiative of the Major of Moscow”.

    21:12  31.07.2010
    Yury Ovchinnikov has been appointed by the adviser of the executive director of the ROC for the international problems
    The champion of the USSR and the bronze medalist of the European figure skating championships 1975, 60-years old Yury Ovchinnikov, who has lived for the latest 15 years in the USA, has been appointed to the post of the adviser of the executive director of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) Marath Bariev for the international problems. The Agency of sport information “All Sport” informs about it.
    13:57  28.07.2010
    The meeting of the Presidential Council of development of physical culture and sports at the forum “Russia is a sport country” in Moscow won’t take place
    The meeting of the Council of the RF President of development of physical culture and sports, preparation and holding the XXII Olympic Games and XI Paralympic Games in Sochi 2014 and XXVII International Summer Universidad 2013 in Kazan, planned at the International Sport Forum “Russia is a sport country”, which will be held in Moscow on July, 29 - August, 1, won’t take place. The Agency of sport information “All Sport” informs about this decision.
    22:54  24.07.2010
    The head coaches of the Russian teams will receive to 120 thousand, and athletes – to 90 thousand roubles a month since 2011
    Since January, 2011, the salary of the members of the Russian national teams, for which the Center of sport preparation of the Russian teams is the main place of work, will be increased considerably. Depending on the actual results shown at the official competitions, the head coaches will receive 90-120 thousand rubles, the athletes – 30-90 thousand rubles, and the experts of 40-60 thousand rubles a month. The deputy minister of sports of the Russian Federation Yury Nagornykh, who supervises winter sports and preparation for the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi 2014, has told about it to Agency of the sports information «All sport».
    15:57  09.07.2010
    Sergey Korol: the election of Andrey Bokareva's to the post of the president of the Association of ski sports in Russia urged to raise considerably the authority, influence, activity and responsibility of this organization
    The famous Russian businessman, the founder of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” Andrey Bokarev has been selected for the president of the Russian Association of ski sports in March, which represents our country in the International Federation of Ski sports (FIS), which unites four National federations of six Olympic kinds of sports. The executive director of the Association Sergey Korol with the help of the press-service of the Association told to the Agency of sport information “All Sport” about the activity of the Association and its president.
    22:00  07.07.2010
    Andery Bokarev headed the Association of ski sports in Russia
    The famous Russian businessman Andrey Bokarev has been the president of the Russian Association of ski sports since March, which represents our country in the International Federation of Ski sports (FIS), which unites four National federations of six Olympic kinds of sports. The Agency of sport information “All Sport” informs about it.
    23:58  30.06.2010
    Alexander Abramov met the athletes and coaches of the Russian skating team in Kremlin
    Today, on June, 30, the head of the Tutorial Council of the Russian Skating Union (RSU) the deputy-chief of the Tutorial council of “The Russian Olympians Foundation”, the assistant of the RF President Alexander Abramov in his office in Kremlin met with the leaders of the RSU, athletes and coaches of the main and reserve teams. The RSU President Aleksey Kravtzov with the help of the press-service of the RSU told the details of the meeting to the Agency of sport information “All Sport”.
    23:22  16.06.2010
    Sergey Korol: Andrey Bokarev has several times proved that he is capable to apply successfully the operational experience in business in public organizations
    Today, on June, 16, in Moscow there was held the report-election conference of the Russian Freestyle federation (RFF). Andrey Bokarev was unanimously selected to the post of the RFF president. For the moment he is the chairman of the Boards of directors of the companies "Kuzbazrazresugol" and "Transmashholding", the first vice-president of the Russian tennis federation, the founder of "The Russian Olympians Foundation», the member of the Presidential Council of physical culture and sports development, and he was the president of the Russian Alpine ski and snowboard federation in 2006-2010 years. The executive director of the RASSF, who was today selected to the post of the first-president of the RFF, told to the Agency of sport information “All Sport” about the successful experience of activity of Andrey Bokarev.
    22:49  16.06.2010
    Alexander Uvarov is the new president of the Russian Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined Federation
    Today, on June, 16, in Moscow there was held the report-election conference of the Russian ski jumping and Nordic combined Federation. Alexander Uvarov, the consulate of the Vice-Mayor of Moscow Valery Vinigradov, was unanimously selected to the post of the new president of the Federation instead of resigned after the Olympic Games 2010 of Vladimir Slavsky. The Agency of sport information “All Sport” reports about it.
    21:16  16.06.2010
    Andrey Bokarev has been unanimously selected to the post of the president of the Russian Freestyle Federation
    Today, on June, 16, in Moscow there was held the report-election conference of the Russian Freestyle federation (RFF). The chairman of the Boards of directors of the companies "Kuzbazrazresugol" and "Transmashholding", the first vice-president of the Russian tennis federation, the founder of "The Russian Olympians Foundation», the member of the Presidential Council of physical culture and sports development Andrey Bokarev was selected unanimously to the post of the RFF president, who was the president of the Russian Alpine ski and snowboard federation in 2006-2010 years. The special correspondent of the Agency of sport information “All Sport” reports the details of the conference.
    08:51  15.06.2010
    Seven candidates apply for the post of the president of the Russian Cross Country Ski Federation
    On June, 17, the report-election conference of the Russian cross-country ski Federation (RCSF) will be held in the building of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC). The elections of directing bodies of the RCSF for 2010-2014 years, in particular, will take place during the conference. Seven candidates are registered on the post of the RCSF president. The Agency of sport information “All Sport” reports about it.
    13:33  30.05.2010
    Dmitry Medvedev will sign the Decree about holding the All-Russian Games of schoolboys since 2011 among the pupils of comprehensive schools
    From the 1st of September 2011 the new mass children-youth competitions - the All-Russian Games of schoolboys (among the pupils of comprehensive schools) under the patronage of the RF President will start in this country. The secretary of the Presidential Council of development of physical culture and sports, the deputy chief of the Department on maintenance of activity of the State Council of the RF presidential Administration, the chairman of the board of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” Aleksey Kulakovsky told to the Agency of sport information “All Sport” that in the nearest future Dmitry Medvedev will sign the corresponding Decree.
    09:15  20.05.2010
    Oksana Grischuk has asked Aleksey Kulakovsky to support her at the elections of the president of the Russian figure skating Federation
    The two-time Olympic champion, five-time World champion in figure skating Oksana Grischuk addressed to the secretary of the Presidential Council of development of physical culture and sports, the deputy chief of the Department on maintenance of activity of the State Council of the RF presidential Administration, the chairman of the board of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” Aleksey Kulakovsky with request to support her at the elections of the president of the Russian figure skating Federation (RFSF), which will be held on June, 4, at the conference of the RFSF. The Agency of sport information “All Sport” publishes the letter of Oksana Grischuk to Aleksey Kulakovsky.
    19:00  18.05.2010
    Alexander Zhukov participated at the meeting of the ROC Executive Board
    Today, on May, 18 the meeting of the Executive board of the Russian Olympic Committee (ROC) was held. The only candidate for the post of the president of the ROC took part in it, the elections of which will be held at the Olympic meeting on May, 20, the deputy chief of the RF Government Alexander Zhokov. The special correspondent of the Agency of sport information “All Sport” reports about it.
    21:47  15.05.2010
    Svetlana Zhurova, Vitaly Smirnov, Alexander Popov, Shamil Tarpischev, Pavel Kolobkov, Pavel Rozhkov and Yury Nagornykh will define the winners in the nominations of the forum “Russia is a sport country”
    The working group of the operative problems of the organization and holding the meetings of the International forum “Russia is a sport country” (Moscow, July, 29 -August, 1) at the head of the secretary of the Presidential Council of development of physical culture and sports, the deputy chief of the Department on maintenance of activity of the State Council of the RF presidential Administration, the chairman of the board of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” Aleksey Kulakovsky confirmed the advisory council structure of definition of the winners in 15 nominations of a forum “Russia is a sport country”. The Agency of sport information ”All Sport” publishes the names of all the experts.
    22:35  14.05.2010
    15 nominations of 500 000 rubles will be presented in Moscow at the forum “Russia is a sport country”
    The Organizing committee of the second International sports Forum “Russia is a sport country”, which will be held in Moscow on July, 29 - August, 1, has confirmed 15 nominations, the winners of which will receive the prizes of the RF Government of 500 000 rubles. The secretary of the Presidential Council of development of physical culture and sports, the deputy chief of the Department on maintenance of activity of the State Council of the RF presidential Administration, the chairman of the board of “The Russian Olympians Foundation”, the deputy chief of the Organizing committee of the forum “Russia is a sport country” Aleksey Kulakovsky told about it to the Agency of sport information “All Sport”.
    08:12  29.04.2010
    The themes for the next session of the Presidential Council of development of physical culture and sports, which will be held at the forum “Russia is a sport country”, have been defined
    The RF President Dmitry Medvedev, according to the results of the session of the Presidential Council of development of physical culture and sports, that was held on March, 26, in Sochi, has confirmed the themes of the next session of the Presidential Council of development of physical culture and sports, which will be held at the Forum “Russia is a sport country” on July, 29 - August, 1 in Moscow. The secretary of the Presidential Council, the deputy chief of the Management of maintenance of the activity of the State council of the RF President administration, the head of the board of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” Alexey Kulakovsky told about it to the Agency of sport information “All Sport”.
    15:41  17.04.2010
    Omar Murtuzaliev: unfortunately, “The Russian Olympians Foundation”, which has played a very important role in the Russian’s sports for a long time, doesn’t pay prize money for the victories in non-Olympic weight categories
    At the European wrestling championship in Baku (Azerbaijan) women’s competitions has ended. The Russian athletes won five medals (two gold, two silver, and one bronze) and won in total medal standing. The first vice-president of the Russian Wrestling Federation (RWF) Omar Murtuzaliev, who supervises female wrestling, told to the Agency of sport information “All Sport” about the problems with development of non-Olympic weight categories - to 51, 59 and 67 kg.
    11:03  14.04.2010
    Tatyana Kuznetsova was appointed to the post of the new chief of the department of physical culture and sports in the administration of the RF President - instead of the Olympic champion Sergey Novikov
    Tatyana Kuznetsova was appointed to the post of the new chief of the department of physical culture and sports of the Management on maintenance of activity of the State council of the RF President Administration. The former chief of the Department, the Olympic champion Sergey Novikov became a regular employee of the Russian Olympic committee (ROC), where he is the vice-president of the Council of assistance. The Agency of sport information “All Sport” reports about it.
    15:57  07.04.2010
    Alexander Katushev: the main problem that faces to the Russian sports is shortage of experts, and not in the last instance – psychologists
    The main problem that faces to the Russian sports on the threshold of the home Olympic Games 2014 in Sochi - is shortage of experts. The executive director of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” Alexander Katushev wrote about it to the Agency of sport information “All Sport” in his blog.
    12:01  22.03.2010
    Dmitry Medvedev will host the Russian Paralympic team in the Kremlin on March, 30
    The meeting of the RF President Dmitry Medvedev with the winners and medalists of the X Winter Paralympic Games, which ends on March, 21, in Vancouver, will be held on March, 30, in Kremlin. The correspondent of the Agency of sport information “All Sport” reports about it.
    23:42  15.03.2010
    Alexander Katushev: the choice as gifts to our Olympians of cars Audi is also connected with long-term tradition of this company to support the winter Olympic kinds of sports
    Today, on March, 15, on Vasilevskiy spusk in Moscow the gala award ceremony of the Russian winners and medalists at the Olympic Games in Vancouver took place. At the ceremony the athletes were presented with the cars of premium class Audi from "The Russian Olympians Foundation". The executive director of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” Alexander Katushev explained the reasons of choice of this brand (the winners and medalists of the Winter Olympic Games 2006 in Turin were presented with Toyota cars, and the medalists of Summer Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing – BMW cars) to the special correspondent of the Agency of sport information “All Sport”.
    23:11  15.03.2010
    The winners and medalists of the Olympic Games have been presented with the cars Audi of three colors - beige metallic bahiabeige, silver metallic and beige metallic dakarbeige
    Today, on March, 15, on Vasilevskiy spusk in Moscow the solemn award ceremony of the Russian winners and medalists of the Olympic Games in Vancouver was held. At the ceremony the athletes were presented with the cars Audi from "The Russian Olympians Foundation". The special correspondent of the Agency of sport information “All Sport” reports external features of cars for the Olympic champions, silver and bronze medalists.
    08:59  12.03.2010
    The Russian winners and medalists of the Olympic Games in Vancouver will receive cars of premium class Audi from "The Russian Olympians Foundation" and watches by Omega
    On March, 15, on Vasilevskiy spusk in Moscow the solemn award ceremony of the Russian winners and medalists of the Olympic Games in Vancouver will be held, where they will be presented with the cars of premium class Audi from "The Russian Olympians Foundation" and watches by Omega. The Agency of sport information "All Sport" informs about it.
    11:29  11.02.2010
    Alexander Katushev: “The Russian Olympians Foundation” has done everything possible to give athletes the opportunity to concentrate on trainings for the whole season before the Olympic Games-2010
    On February, 12, in Vancouver the Winter Olympic Games open. The executive director of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” shared his expectations from the main start of the four-year cycle with the Agency of sport information “All Sport”.
    23:38  05.02.2010
    The President Medvedev has awarded Larisa Latynina with the order “For merits before the Motherland” of the III degree
    The President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed the Decree N87, according to which the ten-times artistic gymnastic champion, a member of the Tutorial council of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” Larisa Latynina was awarded with the order “For merits before Fatherland” of the III degree. The Agency of sport information “All Sport” informs about it.
    14:44  05.02.2010
    Alexander Kolobnev: if the Russian Olympic Committee showed its interest and made a certain pressure, the situation with the Olympic bronze medal in Beijing could have been solved in my favor long ago
    One of the most experienced Russian cyclists, the medalist of the two latest World championships Alexander Kolobnev hasn’t still received the bronze medal of the Olympic Games-2008 in Beijing, which must be awarded to him after doping disqualification of the silver medalist David Rebellin (Italy). Alexander Kolobnev described his situation in detail to the editor of the Agency of sport information “All Sport” Natalia Maryanchik.
    21:29  03.02.2010
    Sergey Korol: the Russian Alpine ski and snowboard federation will stimulate athletes to reach specific goals at the Olympic Games
    The Russian Alpine ski and snowboard federation (RASSF) will additionally stimulate its athletes, if they reach the individual goals put before them at the Olympic Games in Vancouver. Sergey Korol, the executive director of the Russian Alpine ski and snowboard federation, told about it to the Agency of sport information “All Sport”.
    19:19  03.02.2010
    Sergey Korol: we count a lot that the “salary” program of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” ahead of the Games-2014 in Sochi will remain active for the whole Olympic cycle
    “The Russian Olympians Foundation” (whose founders are the 15 leading Russian businessmen, and the head of the Tutirial Council – Russian president Dmitry Medvedev) has finished the program “Vancouver-2010”, according to which all the athletes who were the candidates for participation on the Winter Olympic Games-2010 were getting 45 thousand rubles a month, and all the coaches and servicemen – 40 thousand rubles a month. Sergey Korol, the executive director of the Russian Alpine ski and snowboard federation and the vice-president of the Russian freestyle federation, told to the Agency of sport information “All Sport” about the significance of this program.
    21:42  01.02.2010
    Valery Silakov: part of the grants from “The Russian Olympians Foundation” we’ve spent on the luge equipment – and you can see the results
    “The Russian Olympians Foundation” (whose founders are the 15 leading Russian businessmen, and the head of the Tutirial Council – Russian president Dmitry Medvedev) has realized the program “Vancouver-2010”. According to this program, all the athletes who were the candidates for participation on the Winter Olympic Games-2010 were getting 45 thousand rubles a month, and all the coaches and servicemen – 40 thousand rubles a month. The president of the Russian Luge and Naturban federation Valery Silakov told to the Agency of sport information “All Sport” about the significance of this program for his kind of sport.
    22:22  30.01.2010
    Vladimir Slavsky: the program of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” on paying out the grants to the candidates to the Russian Olympic team-2010 has been realized effectively and in proper time
    “The Russian Olympians Foundation” (whose founders are the 15 leading Russian businessmen, and the head of the Tutirial Council – Russian president Dmitry Medvedev) has realized the program “Vancouver-2010”. According to this program, all the athletes who were the candidates for participation on the Winter Olympic Games-2010 were getting 45 thousand rubles a month, and all the coaches and servicemen – 40 thousand rubles a month. The president of the Russian Ski Jumping and Nordic Combined federation Vladimir Slavsky for the Agency of sport information “All Sport” summarized the results of the program and made some proposals to the Foundation for the future.
    19:36  24.01.2010
    Dmitry Lobkov: I am almost always away from home, but at least my wife with our daughter can afford to go for holidays when they want
    The Russian national speed skating team has arrived to Calgary (Canada), where they are having the final training camp before the Olympic Games in Vancouver. The leader of the sprint team Dmitry Lobkov told to thhe Agency of sport information “All Sport” about the contribution to the preparation to the Olympic Games of “The Russian Olympians Foundation”, whose grants’ recipient he is in the program of monthly grants to the members of the Olympic team at the rate of 45 000 rubles.
    23:46  20.01.2010
    Alexander Kravtsov: it is difficult to overestimate the contribution of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” to the preparation of the Russian national team to the Olympic Games in Vancouver
    The program of monthly paying of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” to the expanded staff of the Russian National team to the Olympic Games-2010 in Vancouver - 45 000 rubles to athletes and 40 000 rubles to coaches - has become a huge support in the period of time of preparation to the Olympic Games. The head of the Center of sport preparation of the RF Minsporttourism Alexan Kravtsov - at the Press-center FORWARD - told about it to the Agency of sport information “All Sport”.
    08:16  20.01.2010
    Alexander Abramov: just yesterday we discussed with Dmitry Medvedev the car model, which will be presented to the winners and medalists of the Olympic Games in Vancouver
    The winners and medalists of the Olympic Games 2010 will receive from “The Russian Olympians Foundation”, where the head of the Tutorial Council is the Russian president Dmitry Medvedev, cars. Today, on January, 19, the assistant of the RF president, the deputy-chief of the head of the Tutorial council of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” , the head of the Tutorial council of the Russian Speed skating Union Alexander Abramov told about it to the Agency of sport information “All Sport” at the seeing-off of the Russian national Speed-skating team to the Olympic Games in Vancouver.
    19:16  30.12.2009
    “The Russian Olympians Foundation” and the company “FosAgro” have bought for the Russian Rhythmic gymnastics team a unique device
    On the eve of preparation for a new season “The Russian Olympians Foundation” and the company “FosAgro” have bought for the Russian Rhythmic gymnastics team a unique device - the device for realization of the method of the external counter pulsation. The president of the Russian Rhythmic gymnastics federation Irina Viner told about it to the Agency of sport information “All Sport”.
    11:45  30.12.2009
    Three main themes for the second All-Russian forum “Russia is a sport country” in Moscow have been defined
    At the second All-Russian forum “Russia is a sport country”, which will be held in Moscow on July, 30 - August, 1, three main themes will be discussed - “Olympics and youth”, “Digital technologies in sports and sport information field” and “Fight against doping and cooperation with the World anti-doping agency (WADA)”. The deputy chief of the organizing committee of the forum “Russia is a sport country”, the deputy chief of the department of the president of Russia of maintenance of activity of the RF State council, the head of the presidium of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” Aleksey Kulakovsky told about it to the Agency of sport information “All Sport”.
    09:48  25.12.2009
    Dmitry Medvedev has granted an official gratitude to the three founders and the executive director of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” for holding the forum “Russia is a sport country”
    Yesterday, on December, 24, the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev singed the order N873-rp - about the official gratitude for the active participation in preparation and holding the first All-Russian sport forum ‘Russia is a sport country”, which was held on October, 22-25, in Kazan. The three founders and the executive director of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” were among those granted. The Agency of sport information “All Sport” informs about it.
    23:38  17.12.2009
    Alexander Katushev: "The Russsian Olympians Foundation" has actually already started to support the reserve of the Russian sports - to support the athletes who are going to win medals in Sochi-2014 and Rio-2016
    Yesterday, on 16 December, in "Krokus-expo" the first day of the exhibution "Sochi and Kazan - the relay of the Russian sports" was held. At the plenary meeting one of the speakers on the topic "Cooperation of the sports and business" was the excecutive director of the "Russian Olympians Foundation" Alexander Katushev. The special correspondent of the Agency of sport information "All Sport" reports on the second and final part of Alexander Katushev's presentation, devoted specifically to the work of "The Russian Olympians Foundation".
    23:18  17.12.2009
    Alexander Katushev: I hope, the results of work of the ROC will correspond to the quantity of candidates on the supervising posts
    Today, on December, 17, the report-election Olympic meeting of the Russian Olympic committee (ROC) is held. The executive director of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” Alexander Katushev shared his opinion about the present situation and perspectives of the ROC with the Agency of sport information “All Sport”.
    21:19  17.12.2009
    Alexander Katushev: we are proud that "The Russian Olympians Foundation" is continuing the tradition of patronage that goes back in the Russian sports to more than a century ago
    Yesterday, on 16 December, in "Krokus-expo" the first day of the exhibution "Sochi and Kazan - the relay of the Russian sports" was held. At the plenary meeting one of the speakers on the topic "Cooperation of the sports and business" was the excecutive director of the "Russian Olympians Foundation" Alexander Katushev. The special correspondent of the Agency of sport information "All Sport" reports on the first part of Alexander Katushev's presentation, devoted to the tradition of patronage in the Russian sports.
    22:01  04.12.2009
    Alexey Kulakovsky: the assignments given by the president of Russia, have obligatory character
    The administration of the president of the Russian Federation has prepared the list of assignments of the RF president Dmitry Medvedev to the RF Government and the authorities of RF regions of development of physical culture and sports - according to the results of the first all-Russian sport forum “Russia is a sport country” and the meeting of the presidential council of development of physical culture and sports, which were held in Kazan, on October, 22-25. The deputy chief of the organizing committee of the forum “Russia is a sport country”, the secretary of the presidential council of development of physical culture and sports, deputy chief of the department of the president of Russia of maintenance of activity of the RF State council, the head of the presidium of “The Russian Olympians Foundation” Aleksey Kulakovsky commented on this document to the Agency of sport information “All Sport”.
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    Рейтинг Агентства «Весь спорт» «25 персон, которые оказали наибольшее влияние на российский спорт в 2017 году»: Томас Бах – самый крутой, Александр Жуков – второй, Виталий Мутко – впервые в антирейтинге

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    Рейтинг Агентства «Весь спорт» «25 персон, которые оказали наибольшее влияние на российский спорт в 2016 году»: Юлия Ефимова – самая крутая, Александр Жуков – четвёртый, Виталий Мутко – пятый

    Понкин И.В. Заключение (предварительное) по Докладу Р. Макларена от 16.07.2016

    Исследование «Альянса спортсменов-победителей»: «Ошибка в коммуникациях WADA и сила осуждения»
    Наши публикации
    «ИСТОРИИ ИЗ ГОСАРХИВА». Публикация первая. 55 лет спустя: обнаружен неизвестный уникальный рекорд Валерия Харламова!

    ИСТОРИЯ. Олимпийцы 10 лет спустя: 36 участников сочинских Игр-2014 выступят на зимней Спартакиаде сильнейших-2024. Часть 3

    ИСТОРИЯ. Олимпийцы 10 лет спустя: 36 участников сочинских Игр-2014 выступят на зимней Спартакиаде сильнейших-2024. Часть 2

    ИСТОРИЯ. Олимпийцы 10 лет спустя: 36 участников сочинских Игр-2014 выступят на зимней Спартакиаде сильнейших-2024. Часть 1

    ИСТОРИЯ. Первая зимняя Спартакиада народов СССР: результаты и факты
    Лучший спортсмен России
    Бадминтонистки Сорокина и Вислова – лучшие спортсмены третьей недели апреля!

    Евгений Чигишев – лучший спортсмен второй недели апреля!

    Яна Романова – лучшая спортсменка первой недели апреля!

    Иван Черезов – лучший спортсмен заключительной недели марта!

    Мария Иовлева – лучший спортсмен третьей недели марта!
    Рейтинги от Public.Ru
    Итоги освещения в Российских СМИ Чемпионата Европы по борьбе

    Материал к статьям на тему «Спортивная борьба»

    Статистика упоминаний видов спорта в контексте зимних Олимпийских игр 2006 года
    Наши герои
    Владислав Третьяк - трёхкратный олимпийский чемпион, председатель Комитета Госдумы РФ по физкультуре, спорту и делам молодежи, президент Федерации хоккея России (ФХР)

    Шамиль Тарпищев, президент Федерации тенниса России, капитан сборной страны в Кубке Дэвиса

    Роберт Джеймс Фишер - экс-чемпион мира по шахматам

    Елена Исинбаева - олимпийская чемпионка, многократная рекордсменка мира по прыжкам с шестом

    Александр Карелин – трехкратный олимпийский чемпион, Герой России, депутат Госдумы
    Наша статистика
    Все результаты российских теннисистов, вторая неделя, 8-14 января

    Результаты крупнейших соревнований по олимпийским видам спорта, декабрь 2006 года

    Все результаты российских теннисистов, первая неделя, 1-7 января

    Результаты крупнейших соревнований по олимпийским видам спорта, ноябрь 2006 года
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